Thursday, June 25, 2009

michael, ed, and farrah, sitting in a tree

So, originally my plans for this week's Waster included a very nice tip o' the hat to Farrah and her fripples.

Now this whole Michael Jackson thing has derailed my entire train of thought. At first, I didn't believe it. Sounded too much like an internet hoax.... and IT WAS A HOAX!!! The original story was faked, and TMZ bought it. Other sites linked to TMZ, and it just snowballed from there.

Then MJ went and actually moonwalked off the stage, and instead of looking like fools, TMZ looks like they scooped the story. Lucky bastages. Gov. Mark Sanford sends his thanks to MJ, too.

So now I've got lots to chatter about and next to no time to write it.

Last weekend, and most of this week, we were busy running around NC shopping for property. It was a very productive trip. The intention was not to jump in and buy the first lot we checked out. Rather, we were shopping for information about the state, counties, local towns, the landscape, available land, and realtors. Success, on all counts. More importantly, we learned a lot about what we're actually trying to find.

We found a couple of counties that we're going to continue shopping, and we found a few people that we're going to continue dealing with. We even found a few very promising parcels that will remain on the active list, to be pursued further. (I'm still trying to convince the FirstLady that 64 acres, partially cleared, with a 4 acre private lake is exactly what she needs. I'm not sure she's buyin' it just yet.)

We did have a couple disappointments, too. I figure that's part of the learning process. One monster parcel had the best $/acre price we could find. It also happened to be the unofficial town landfill. Another location listed as 17 acres; only 3 of which were functional. The other 14 were comprised of a huge, steep ravine with a creek at the bottom. A third property is currently a 21.5 acre watermelon field. I can just imagine the future landscaping challenges.

We're doing more homework now, using the additional resources we gained on the trip. I'm totally wired to start sending out offers, but I know we've got a ways to go still.

Back to MJ:
What time is bedtime at Neverland Ranch?
What's black and comes in little white cans?
What does MJ like most about twenty-three year olds?
Farrah Fawcett got to Heaven, and was granted one wish. She wished for all children to be safe, so God snatched MJ.
MJ can't be cremated bc he's got too much plastic in him. So they're going to melt him down and make legos out of him. Then all the little children can play with MJ for a change.

Click here to add your own jokes. I'm out of material too quickly today.

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Gameplay: weak
Graphics: also weak
Addictive factor: Oh, hell yes.
My character, WasteRRR, will stomp your a$$ into the ground in MyBrute.

I've had a couple people tell me that Hedgehog Launching is a pretty good game. I think maybe they're retarded.

The old bar-trick game, MatchMoves.

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MJ in his prime:
A whole rack of other MJ vids here.

Oh, my. Never never never never am I buying this stuff. The jokes are just too easy, and my stomach is just too queasy.

Dom's shower curtain makes me think twice about crashing on his sofa again.

(from SkullSwap, which has wasted a lot of my time lately, and may have surreptitiously swapped my skull already.)

Silly preggos, you make me giggle.

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