Tuesday, February 24, 2009


My youngest turns 13 this weekend. In my mind, she's still my baby girl. Kinna funny, bc Kid2 is coming up on 17, and she's still my baby girl, too.

She's a leap-year baby, so on off-years we pick and choose whether to celebrate on the 28th or the 1st. We do a bit larger party for the kids on their milestone birthdays, so being her 13th she gets the royal treatment. I must have had some leftover smoke in my system when I agreed to a two-day, overnight party for a dozen teenagers.

Seriously though, we've got reinforcements coming to help. A couple of my fam will be around with smelling salts to revive me if I get overwhelmed, and multiple rolls of duct tape for any of the wildings get too out of control.

It's cool to see the youngest growing up, actually. She's been the baby for so long, hearing her chat about boys and high school and driving makes her sound really old to me. In my mind, the change is drastic, but it's just been a natural progression just like it was in all the other kids.

Many years from now, when the ladies are 78 and 74 and hanging out at the bingo hall, don't mess with 'em. My 100 year old foot will be kicking your ass, cuz they'll still be my baby girls.

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Finally! A game for my smart readers! You'll both really enjoy this chess puzzle game!

Here's another one of those games that's actually a collection of little games. Cursor Chaos gives you about 5 seconds to figure out the rules and do what's necessary to complete each level. I guarantee you'll be perspiring in about a minute.

Kill the evil space chicken. How's that for a plotline?

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The best thing about teh internets is the anonymity that it provides. People share secrets in public that they don't tell their closest friends. I play my own little game and guess which of my friends are the anonymous posters. You know who you are, and now you know that *I* know who you are... posting secrets (post secret), sucking at life (eff my life), and banging all the worst dudes (sorry, mom). Thanks to Manda for the submission (I promise I won't tell your mom.)

Todd comes out of retirement to share this pic collection of strange people on the subway. The future is now.

I geeked out for a moment when I saw this computer.

Found in the "No Shit" department, Item 1.

...and Item 2.

A description and caricature of every guy you know. Ladies, you'll know exactly who fits what stereotypes. Guys, take notes. Please.

Todd steps up to the plate again with a video of all the people that DIDN'T get hurt in nasty accidents.

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