Monday, September 29, 2008

back to the real wasting

Daaaang this has been a crazy couple weeks. I've been trying to get an update posted, and just haven't been able to do it til now. Every day has been one of these days:

Anyway, here's some quick yammering...

I survived the triathlon, and did way better than I even hoped to do. Goal #1 was to complete it, Goal #2 was to beat 2hrs, and double-secret Goal #3 was to beat 1:45. I nailed it, stumbling across the finish line in 1:36:32. I finished 105th out of ~180 total. The swim kicked my arse, bad. And I definitely could have made up some time in the transitions now that I know what to expect. Next time...

The office exodus has begun. We've lost 3 people from our contract in the past week. Since we were "acquisitioned" the bureaucracy bullshit has been consistently deeper. The days of an agile, small IT company are gone; leaving nothing but a bunch of neckties roaming the halls looking for a reason to fill out a form or make a new policy. I won't be the next to leave, but the thought has been dancing across my mind.

Happy Birthday to Randy!
I missed his BBQ and the late night bar-party. I spent the whole day working on my daughter's car. New battery, battery terminals, and alternator; she's running good now. I took girlie out in her car on Sunday morning to learn how to drive the clutch. She did really well, but also gave the new electrical system a workout by stalling it about 40 times.

I'm still on break from school until next week, which is a good thing. Things have just been too crazy lately.

I've got a full weekend ahead, too. My HS reunion is formally on Saturday night. I've done a bit of the organizing with a few other friends, so I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing. In addition to the formal on Saturday, I'm sure we'll do a bit of bar crawling on Friday as people start migrating back to town. I'm much better at the bar-crawl than I am at the formal stuff. Imagine that.

= = = = =

Eric is scared of spiders! Sissy.

Hamster Battle!

= = = = =

Whooohooo! You can buy PJ in a bottle!

I love Sarah Silverman, almost as much as I love Jen for sending this to me...

Hahahahahahaha! Suck it, RIAA!

Entertainment Tonight's version of potty humor.

= = = = =

Have a great week, and I promise to have next Friday's waster delivered on Friday. For reals.

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